What We Do
Social Action & Social Entrepreneurship
Here at Enactus Northumbria, we solve social problems through entrepreneurial action. Set up as a society within the university, we are a team of 16 students, from a range of different backgrounds.
Utilising each individual's talents, we engage multiple faculties along with external businesses/organisations to provide the best practice and sustainable solutions, in order to solve these problems.
The goal is to empower individuals, enabling them to truly live the lives we all deserve, whilst having fun and creating a network of remarkable individuals.
Together we can make a difference!
Our History
Enactus Northumbria was founded by three ambitious students in September 2015 to make a difference in the community through social enterprises.
Enactus Northumbria travelled down to London to compete in the Rookie League, becoming Rookie Champions!
We successfully made it through regional competition and competed in the Nationals Main League.
Eliminated in the latest Enactus regional competition back In March 2020 but with great feedback and suggestions for our projects.
Why Join?
Interested in making a real difference in your community through student-led social action? Joining Enactus Northumbria gives you a great opportunity to not only impact those in your community but also:
Career Ready
Access exclusive career opportunities and support through Enactus UK's wide range of corporate partners.
Social Impact
Work on collaborative projects in Newcastle on areas of employability, social isolation and female hygiene.
Join a Global Network
With 72,000 students in 37 countries, Enactus allows you to join a global network of students.